my budget is tight. i always have this type of mentality to diy what ever things that i can esp for my engagement. i search, i study, i review and i do homework for each of them.
previously, i did browse on the engagement outfits, mini dais and gifts decor. so, this evening i would like to share several ideas for simple sirih junjung decor which i think these are useful for my personal review.
even tho i plan to use artificial flowers on his gifts decor, but to diy simple sirih junjung i will choose fresh flowers. i may confirm that the color must be in ................... <- guest what? haha.
next, let's take a look how professional do their job:
my budget is tight. i always have this type of mentality to diy what ever things that i can esp for my engagement. i search, i study, i review and i do homework for each of them.
previously, i did browse on the engagement outfits, mini dais and gifts decor. so, this evening i would like to share several ideas for simple sirih junjung decor which i think these are useful for my personal review.
even tho i plan to use artificial flowers on his gifts decor, but to diy simple sirih junjung i will choose fresh flowers. i may confirm that the color must be in ................... <- guest what? haha.
next, let's take a look how professional do their job:
various shape and color. different styles and elements. things that i concern most are:
1. how long does the fresh flowers can stay fresh?
2. the color combination are important to make the most important gifts looks out standing.
3. what are props that will be used to make the sirih junjung?
4. how simple, practical and economic are the design should be?
5. how to ensure the fresh flowers remain fresh in 1 or 2 days?
err.. i think that's all for now. dont take something too serious cause this is just a sirih junjung. haha. ok, i have 4 months to study this. ngee.
no worries, just be happy and enjoy every single moments sailing this journey to the engagement, wedding and life goes on after. insya Allah. amin.
p/s: sure will fighting with mother cause she definitely will decor as high as she can. sigh.
yours truly,
engagemnt in mei eh? nak tanya pendapat ckit...biasanya kalu bertunang kan, bagi berapa dulang eh? pastu kan, bagi ape je eh selain dr cincin, sirih and sepersalinan pakaian?
assalamualaikum cik girang.
hi, dear! glad to see you here.
in my opinion, numbers of the gift are depends on each bride to be. there's no strictly rules saying this or that.
however, i recommended that for engagement usually bride to be exchanges food such as fruits, cakes, cup cakes, chocs and candies.
well, sometimes our relatives offered to sponsor something too.
you should discuss with your family and en. muncet la. what will they say? wink.
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