i am glad when one of my reader asked me about my plates. i bought them at Parkson, Batu Pahat during year end sale 2010.
picture below is the promotion by claytan.
i would say, the quality is GOOD. since i do prefer to give him something that can be used in the future, definitely the idea using plate is the right choice. hihii..
well, different people have different opinions. personally, i love this idea to the max!
yours truly,
As-salam...nak tiru idea pinggan ni ley tak..?Cam berbaloi je..nnt pinggan tu bleh guna semula..kan..?
murah dan berbaloi. u beli color pink ekh? ke putih?
assalamualaikum ieda,
sharing is caring. if you like this idea, why not. let's try.
insya Allah, from time to time, i will update about it.
assalamualaikum amy.
yups. damn cheap!
there is no pink la dear. i bought black and white plates. wink.
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