preparing for engagement is as important as preparing for wedding. the different between this 2 events are bla bla bla. nvm.
still, this is part of the most important day in the rest of your life beside getting straight A's in exam, graduates and having your 1st job! wink.

engagement is when 2 hearts tying the knots and 1 step closer for wedding. personally, i would like to advice and note here that 3 - 4 months before engaged we are supposed to:
1. confirm the date.
2. have a checklist.
3. confirm with the caterer (if any)
4. confirm with the official photographer (if any)
5. confirm with the make up artist of the day (if any)
6. buy and send to tailor/booked materials for engagement attires.
7. book for mini dais (if any)
8. buy the e-ring.
most of brides to be sure agree with me cause over 8 items above, there are at least 5 things included in your special day. i may say YES in my case..
fine. i was a last minute person before but this time, i wont let myself ruined everything. i treat this as a tutorial for a preparation on my big day next year. let experiences them from nao!
initially, all i have listed above is about to deal with the 3rd party such as caterer, photographer, make up artist, tailor and bridal boutique owner.
esp when the date of your special day is the HOT date ever or school holidays like me. thus, please.. please.. please.. book them earlier to avoid fully booked and frustrated. huhu.
ok, before i signing off this is my 3-4 months overview:
2. have a checklist.
3. confirm with the caterer (if any)
4. confirm with the official photographer (if any)
5. confirm with the make up artist of the day (if any)
7. booked for mini dais (if any) * d.i.y
8. buy the e-ring.
alhamdulillah i almost done, except to confirm with the make up artist of the day and buy the ring. ngee.. later-later k. insya Allah will be settle everything by this month. YEAY!!
source: anna-rina photography
yours truly,
insya'allah semua nya akan berjalan dengan lancar kalau persiapan kita semuanya ok..tawakal k
wish u all the best :)
fuh...mmg meletop ni.hehe.terigt zaman i tunang.mcm ad hoc.wasnt prepare at all.because i dgn tunang nak simple je.kalau bole bawak mak n adik badik dtg minum2 bwk tepak sirih n buah sebakul je,but in the end mak dia kata tak proper tunang je terus,kelam kabut la i sewa kanopi 1 je utk org makan, masak sndri, gedik jugak nk mekap2 tu.baju pn cotton OP.just kawan yg ade dslr tlg snap. kalau bole ulang balik masa i pun nk buat proper but of course money kene ada.hahahaha
takpola den dah nak kawin pun ha.haha
assalamualaikum farah,
amin. thank you so much dear.
assalamualaiku nana.
so sweet! thanks a lot.
assalamualaikum lisa,
expecting high, please NO. this is just a small and simple event. hihi. wish you all the best dear.
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