i must say YES, for this decoration.
source: herweddingdiaries
she has proven that, less flowers is more beautiful! in my case, i wont using fresh flowers. my choice is artificial flowers for last and forever blooming. haha.
basically, the idea is there. YEAY!!
yours truly,
sweetnya syahira...saya pun suka juga :)
ritu kite ada amik pic bebrapa bunga oren.. nnti kite email yer.. :D
sweet.... me like it too.
wahh..menarik..kombinasi warna yang santekk..=)
assalamualaikum nora,
i like her idea! i cant wait to diy my his gifts. hihi.
assalamualaikum darl,
hugs you~~~ how's bebe? miss you so much, darl! ngee.. thanks and cant wait for your email.
assalamualaikum amy,
YEAY! seems like everyone like it too.
assalamualaikum miey anna,
yups. it's awesome!
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