this is one of the example for a gift decoration by white plate that i think required my simple taste. i was looking for less crowded, simple in my eyes and economic in my pocket $_$
i dislike bushy flowers around the gift because:
1. i will going to spend lot of flowers to decor the gifts
2. the more i spend, the thinner my pocket will be
3. none can see the beauty of my black-white plates
4. probably the gifts will be heavy
and i have several tips,
on how to choose the right plates for gifts decorations:
1. the shape
- round, oval, square, hexagon and etc
2. the size
- small, medium, large and extra large
3. the material
- plastic, melamine, glass, clay and etc
4. the weight
- OMG. it's super heavy!, heavy, the not so heavy, not heavy at all
5. the price
- YEAY! damn cheap, so-so, urghh.. it's expensive!!
above, i bold on my own black-white plate criteria. fyi, i spend:
black-white plate: Rm 4.50/pcs which is ok laa for 29cm diameter plate
source: google
yours truly,
illi pun suka mcm ni! simple je
smlm jln2 kt Nilai 3..ugh, penat!!
insyaAllah akan start utk dulang2 tu..hehe
wah preparation nak tunang dh mcm nak kawen...hihihk
assalamualaikum illi.
YEAY!! happy preparing dear. let's sharing caring your ideas too..
assalamualaikum nana.
no la. this is just a simple planning. ^____^
saye pon suke idea tu.. simple but nice rite? nak tanye kat mane awk dapat plate dgn harga cam tu yerk?
try cr plate kt kk home deko..murahhhh
try p tgk plate kt kk home deco...murahhhhhhhhhhh
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