after reading one of my friend's review on her wedding, it makes me realize that :
1. i need to prepare 100% mental and physical before-during-after any events (engagement, wedding and etc)
2. strongly believe that, life must go on! what ever happen, let it be =__="
3. the most important thing is BIG SMILE. ehem.. because it will be capture and keep it forever.. and update in blog. huhu.

1. list the task and confirm things to do/ what to buy 7 days before the event
- updates check list from time to time (insya Allah)
- send reminder to all vendors and official make up artist/ photographer and cinematographer of the day. YEAY!!
2. list and brief the menu, buffet set and equipments, tables and chairs, decors (if any)
- double, triple confirm with all vendors to avoid miss communications and etc
3. trial make up, trial attires, what else.. must be done BEFORE the event!
- sigh. i still can decide who will be my make up artist of the day
- note that i need to wear inner cause i feel uncomfortable wearing my kurung modern. sob.
4. a night before make sure my bedroom is clean, the mini dais is ready and the gifts are completely decorate. eh, final thing baking moist chocs cakes. hihi.
- OMG! i need to take annual leave on friday to settle everything
5. positive thinking, dont be stress
- recites ya Allah, ayat 1000 Dinar, la ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzolimun
6. sleep early and just forget everything
- not to forget to get everything ready and solat hajat ask for Allah's helps
7. wake up early and solat subuh praying hard that everything gonna be smooth
- breath in, breath out 11.06.11 is the day. start with bismillah..
8. not to forget to drink a glass of plain water or more
- must poo poo by hook or by crook! huhu i experienced, i poo poo 5 mins before his family arrived (not good)
9. get shower early
- remember the event schedule on 1130 am
10. must breakfast
- i wont repeat the same mistake anymore
11. last minutes, ensure every one/thing is in the position
- caterer, event setting, the official make up artist/ photographer/cinematographer of the day, family members, the mini dais, the gifts what else..
12. YEAY!! never panic
- as usual, breath in, breath out phew~~~
- contingency plan is needed! chill! chill!
13. what ever happen, let it be
- remember reminder no. 3 BIG SMILE chill! chill!
14. enjoy every single moments cause this will be one of my happiest moment ever even my sweetheart cant attend the event. it's ok. i am doing fine.
15. my lil sister must assist my official photographer and cinematographer of the day to capture all sweetest moment during the event. ehem, i will draft her 1 short important list to capture hihi
urm. things listed here (more or less) are based from my experience during Feb Mission 2011. phew.. it has open my eyes, early preparation is important.
eh source: hanyakisahkita and syahiran sukardi
yours truly,
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