This is our true love story:
i wear no uniforms,
no blues or army greens,
but i will in the army ranks,
rarely seen.
i have no ranks upon my shoulder,
salutes i do not give,
but military world is the place,
where i will live.
i am not in the chain of command,
orders i do not get,
but my SWEETHEART is,
the one who does.
i am not who fires the weapon,
who puts my life in the line,
but my job is just as tough,
i am the one who left behind.
my SWEETHEART is the patriot,
a brave and prideful man,
and the call to serve this country,
not all can understand.
my SWEETHEART makes the sacrifice,
but so do i,
i love the man who i will going to marry,
soldiering is his life,
but i stand among the ranks,
known as
my sweetheart is my matriculation mate when we were 18. to be surprised i dont have any virtual memories about him except this.

my buddy invited me to join her photo session and here you are why i was in that pic with my sweetheart. other than this, i have a very little memories about him. skip.
4 years later,
i found him at friendster, we exchanged yahoo ID and started being friends. he such a nice guy that i have ever met so far, he's different maybe because he was a cadet officer; discipline, gentleman and ok enough.. haha.
our 1st time dating was Jan 19, 2008 at the mines. i further my study at uitm shah alam and it was my 1st time ever driving in kl! i draw a map from shah alam - sg besi. see, i put an effort to meet him. ha3x.
i still remember he was wearing a jacket with orange shirt and i of cause in pink. so sweet. we were wearing our fav colors. *wink
i have zero knowledge about army, military and etc. knowing him makes me falling in love with his career. alhamdulillah, i have no problems to understand and accept it as part of my life. in fact, i enjoy single moments after 3 years we have been together.
well, 2010 is the hardest time for us. he commissioned and transferred to pahang become a younger officer. then, i move to down south Johor. long distance relationship is nothing for us BUT..
knowing him as a younger officer busy with his new work place, away for military training courses, away for missions and etc makes me burst my tears every time he's away from his mobile phone.
for an instance, he away for 2 weeks to jungle and left his mobile phone! i am going crazy. hu2x.
now, alhamdulillah little by little i ok with this situation. i am lucky because even he's away i am still have my family, bff and his family who will always support me.
ya Allah, thank you so much for the gift. i am blessed. i hope this relationship will showering by joys and happiness. amin.
lastly, thank you so much to my sweetheart who love me no matter what. i will always love 1% more than you have. ha2x
p/s: thinking of him makes me smile. wait, have i told you, after 4-5 years i open up my old album and without i noticed i found him in my pics. i believes with the miracle. if written up there my sweetheart is the man, i accept this. alhamdulillah.
** pics are from my collection; in matriculation and mafia theme party (mafia lah sangat! ha3x)
*** this is a contest organized by CST Production
yours truly,
hello syahira,
just to let u know that ministry of moment pun tgh buat contest. winner gets a photography package worth RM2,000. Jemput join ya? Contest details di blog roe :)
anyway, all the best with the CST contest!
p/s: loving the last pic. sassy! ;)
sweet..... you pun join ekh? good luck tau dear. ;)
gud luck untuk kita berdua. comelnya kamu dear!
assalamualaikum all,
thank you, thank you. wishing you all the best too.
gud orange....lazat tema tuh..hwwhwhwhw
Hi, i suke la u punye poem nih. bole i pinjam nk tunjuk kt my sweetheart? tapi nnt i edit ikut i punyer situasi k :) then i credit to you.. but my official blog is private la.. ;)
assalamualaikum Dia.Honey,
thanks dear. yummy! haha
assalamualaikum misZ tUna,
sure, why not. act i copy from the web too and edit it.
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