good evening, buddies.
many thanks to sarah and (i know a few unfortunately i miss the link) for tagging me this award:

this are 7 facts about me:
1. my nick name is cik syahira.
2. i obsessed with pink.
3. i like orange color because my sweetheart like it.
4. i am falling in love with a soldier.
5. i love traveling. in a month, i traveled 5 times.
6. i am happy now because i meet new friends here.
7. i dislike being lonely.
finally, i would like to share this award to my followers (randomly selected):
1. rose
2. aya
3. edura
4. tahirah
5. amy
i know, i know some of you received this too, still i am glad to share this award to my followers. i kindly appreciated you all, buddies.
insya Allah, next award will be going to the next followers/ top commentators. see you then, all.
p/s: i have a good news. i've been promoted to be a permanent staff. however, the starting salary is lesser than what i've received now. still, after confirm i can be able to request more (insya Allah). wish me best of luck!
yours truly,
thanks for the award dear :)
anyway congrats on ur job.. and aldabest ;)
thnx syahirah 4give me dis award.
i appreciate =)
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