hello girlfriends.
finally.. i was in celcom territory. thank you, celcom.
now, i can update about the planning for the engagement day. basically, the theme are shading of pink and orange for the hantarans deco. i was thinking that this color combo attached is quite interesting.
however, it looks like peach rather than orange in colors. nvm. one day one time (insya Allah) will going to nilai3 and hunting for my dream artificial flowers.
in fact, i found also a simple hantarans deco on flowers arrangements. well, i think that i want to stick with that idea cause it was my 1st time doing this thingy. so better dont expecting more on me. ha ha.
i just wishing that my engagement day will be as simple yet meaningful to us. the important things are the purpose of the engagement day is achieved and save more for the next phase. *wink
p/s: i wonder that a little bit of pearl touches might be a better look. hurm..
yours truly,
engagement theme kite sama la..hee..look forward to see yours..sadly, my engagement ntah jadi ke tak..seronok gak kalau terus kawen..tp pertunangan anganku musnah..haha..kina serahkan kepada yang Di Atas..tp kina keep on planning n day dreaming..
assalamualaikum kina.
it's ok dear. at least you can save more for the wedding reception. cant wait to see you and pudin married. wishing you all the best, dear.
syira, kalau letak pearl pun should be nice. nampak exclusive gitu. good luck dear..
assalamualaikum amy.
i strongly agree with you. cheap yet exclusive look. wink.
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