hehe.. a ah la.. lebey kurng sama.. :) xpe2 kita prepare same2 when is ur Eday? sy xtau bila, cuma sibuk prepare.. :) yg smple2.. dun wory.. cincin pn xcri lg.. :)
hi buddy. i will hunting for the hantarans deco and insya Allah diy it later. currently still surveying for the hantarans deco too.
sob. sob. lot of things to do. hu2x
assalamualaikum jazzeyra,
yes,let's preparing together-gether. hihihi. i am still not conform the date yet. since both of us were very busy recently. but, will looking for it insya Allah..
salam iera.... sara pnya eday pn hantaran white basket... belah incik bintang brown square basket... nnt sara kasi tunjuk gambar hantaran... tgu dari OP x dpt lg.. hehe... ;)
i say.. YES! it's nice & sweet~!! ;)
hai cik syahira..
nice and + + + nice if that basket complete with ur deco/DIY later..
oh! i follow u yaa..
hehe.. a ah la.. lebey kurng sama.. :)
xpe2 kita prepare same2
when is ur Eday? sy xtau bila, cuma sibuk prepare.. :) yg smple2..
dun wory.. cincin pn xcri lg.. :)
assalamualaikum nyomel,
thanks dear. xoxo. hi2x
assalamualaikum cma,
hi buddy. i will hunting for the hantarans deco and insya Allah diy it later. currently still surveying for the hantarans deco too.
sob. sob. lot of things to do. hu2x
assalamualaikum jazzeyra,
yes,let's preparing together-gether. hihihi. i am still not conform the date yet. since both of us were very busy recently. but, will looking for it insya Allah..
chantek dear. kat nilai hari tuh mmg banyak yg white basket. selamat mencari.. ;)
salam iera.... sara pnya eday pn hantaran white basket... belah incik bintang brown square basket... nnt sara kasi tunjuk gambar hantaran... tgu dari OP x dpt lg.. hehe... ;)
assalamualaikum amy,
ok, noted. hihi..
assalamualaikum sara,
congratulation dear on your engagement! hugs you. wish me best of luck after this. hihi. ok, cant wait to see your baskets.
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