Daisypath Wedding tickers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

when a military fiancee updating her blog..


online again.. i am sorry past few weeks i cant be able to update blog regularly due to my work loads increased tremendously.

alhamdulillah, i will gain extra income for my wedding preparation and life after marriage since there have overloads. . hihi.

since 365 (plus minus) days to go.. i was thinking that time is precious! never ever take this as easy.. i slowly planning things one by one. in fact, mother and father is busy comparing which caterer is the best. haha.

i spoke to few vendors already (you know who you are..) i was interested with them. his/ her works or art or stuff is superb! well, i cant wait to go for further details..

but.. things that i need to concern here is what ever decision that i will be made later, i must have a wedding date 1st for booking purpose. other wise, i cant go far. huhu.

as a military partner, this is what i must understand. i have to wait for him. everything is under his responsibility to apply and get approval to get married.

wait, am i telling you that during our engagement he cant be able due to he was on duty?? pity him. huhu.

yours truly,


Hidayati Farhan said...

waaa, ade setahun lagi tuh shira. doa2 la dia dpt approval kawen secepat mungkin ya

intan said...

i sgt faham.. dont worry dear. everything will be just fine dear~
*cross fingers*

Unknown said...

cik syahira...tyme my engagement day pn my fiancee x ops...smpai skang nie..borg x anta lg..approval pn x dpt lg...sgt bz smpai x sempat nk buat preparation pape...

Ms and Mr Red Ribbon said...

yes dear, kne simpan awal2... best tue banyak lagi masa... you so lucky, manfaatkan masa yang ada ye :)

kalau dah dekat date nya, nampak masa tue cepat sgt berjalan, baik siapkan sikit2 dari skrg :)

Hunny Kitty said...

bertunang dia tak hadir tak pe...tak di wajibkan pun yang penting semua berjalan lancar...dan yg penting semoga murah rejeki dan cepat2 nikah... =)

NINsys said...

Alar sedih nye...but I guess in a situation like urs, kena strong la yea..