like 'tepung'! my sweetheart said, 'over'. sob. he likes me with nude make up. fine!
since i dont have much times to do a trial make up (next time i must do it!) i just let the professional do it for me.
i surprised when i 1st saw myself in a mirror. focus on my eyes! i request her for a simple make up look. she did her job buy my expectation is just.. simple.. not a big dark eyeliners. huhu.
however, my friends said it is ok. Mua needs to highlight at the eyes' areas. ouh, ok fine..
i heart the foundation, it didnt cracks! YEAY!! things that i worried. until 1 time, i afraid to smile because i afraid with wrinkles or cracks. funny!!
she did very good job!
besides, i love the fake eye lashes and the color of my lips. not too plain but it still look nice. hihi. over all i like her job. few of my friends requested me to hire that Mua next time..
i must do a trial make up la of cause. the price is reasonable of cause and she is one friendly sister. i like her!!
eh, i said my make up like 'tepung' but i still wanna hire her?? confused la!!
yours truly,
nora pun org kata macam tepung maybe makeup dr butik kan ehehhe. yg penting dlm gmbr lawa :P
cantek je dear......! yg putih tu bwh mata jek....takpe.....ms kawen ok pnyla...pakai base make-up ape ek tak crack tu??
Ada masa singgah blog makeup Lin ya.... natural make up semestinya.... And ada contest makeover lagi... datang singgah ya
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