since during the engagement i let his side decided the rings for me, now i think is my turn to request him the bracelet. hihi. fair and square is it..
well, the price of gold is demanding so mother and i will hunting and booking the bracelet a.s.ap! i will never ever buy the bracelet at the last minutes because i afraid my sweetheart will SURPRISE when he see the price tag. huhu.
fyi, my dream bracelet is not cheap. sob.
therefore, start 'menabung' now because there are lot of things to buy after this. not to forget is.. life after marriage too. wink.
yours truly,
mintak la bracelet dgn necklace hehehe..bestttt hehe
Price Tag? money. money. money! :)
happy hunting!
beb....same wif me....but the price...hoh..trkejut nok...dhla hrga emas mencanak2 naik....adoila...kesian incek tunang....
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