hello blogger.

another arguments with mother. hurm.. 1st about the engagement ring. 2nd about the menu. sigh..
1st, the engagement ring:
we agreed to buy an engagement ring ( 1 ring ) w/out risik-merisik ring. mother said, ok.
i asked her about a white gold ring. she replied, NO! she dont care how much is the cost. as for her a BIG NO for a white gold ring. sob.
good bye, 'adore' . *no offenses to all white gold ring owner esp you, darling.
since my sweetheart is away (again)(again) and will going home next week, so i will hunting the engagement ring next 2weeks. insya Allah.
2nd, the menu:
mother insisted nasi jagung but i love ala-ala kg.
just imagine, nasi putih+ayam masak merah/ kicap+sambal goreng jawa+ulam-ulam+sambal belacan+ikan kering.. fuhhh! i told you.. it's heaven, ok.
mother said, WHAT?? IKAN KERING?? NO WAY! she replied, how could i serve IKAN KERING to my FPIL. hu2x
i cant understand why she rejected my idea? sob. sob. sob.
p/s: the 99% probability is my sister cant attended my engagement day! >_<" yours truly,
loo..cian u..
xpe dear,i pun adore white gold tp i tau itu hnya angan2 semata..xpela..if u really love it nanti beli dgn duit u sendiri..besh2..
for me food ala2 kg mmg best for engagement..sbb,nasi grand2 ni seswai utk kawen..heheh..as for me nanti maybe buat menu minum petang biasa je..hihihi
salam my dear ira... sabar ya yunk... it's normal.. it happened to me too before. i love white gold ring but my mum plus my dad said super BIG NO. huhu. then my fiance pampered me to buy white gold ring for nikah. then oke for me.
about the menu.. superb same taste. alhamdulillah my mum understand that her future SIL didnt eat kaler2 rice. haha. just nasi puteh then my dad decide as per ur menu.
be patient k dear. sumthing happened have a reason.. nnt u baca my entry title MUA. ada kesah di sebaliknya. mgkn boleh jadi iktibar. i belom posting lg sb tgu gmbr dr my sis.
take care babe. XOXO~!
ermmm... orang tua2 mmg takmau white gold ni. tok sy pun cakap takyah la white gold,nnt nmpak mcm silver je.T_T.tp mak ok je! hehe.
ms gi beli cincin tunang hari tu orang kedai tu ckp, setengah kulit tak sesuai pakai white gold, nnt nmpak mcm silver. tapi nak tau elok ke tak, tanya je org kedai tu.hehe. sy macam nak white gold untuk kawen kot.
ms my engagement mmg masak ala2 kampung. tak salah pun if nk serve ikan kering ke apa, jamu dgn nasik panas mmg terangkat. hari tu kenduri family buat gulai ikan kering,ayam masak merah, sambal belacan, ulam-ulam, ikan goreng. family belah laki pun cakap sedap sangat.
sabar je la, maybe mak awak ada prinsip dia sendiri, kita ikut je la... :)
jangan sedih2 dear. after kawin nanti suh ur hubby to be belikan adore tuh ekh?
bab-bab makanan ni tak leh nak cakap apa sebabnya mmg parents berkuasa sepenuhnya. hehehe...
assalamualaikum cik nadira,
i love high tea. hihi.
assalamualaikum sara,
my sweetheart bought me rose gold necklace on my birthday, so i wont asked for more..
assalamualaikum realriyana,
gulai ikan kering. nom. nom. *mouth watering.
assalamualaikum amy,
i strongly agree with you, dear. parents have the BIG RIGHT for selecting the menu. hu3x
cik syahira, takpe la bab2 makanan serahkan je la pada parents. kita pikirkan positif saja, at least dah kurang satu benda nak pikir. hehe:)
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