hello my girlfriends,
recently i am away due to struggle in dissertation presentation and submission report.
alhamdulillah, i managed to submit the dissertation draft last 2 weeks eventhough i am still not satisfied with my work. as usual like in degree's i havent enough sleep and rest. thank you to pimples which grown like urghh.. ihateyou!
then, last week i have my final presentation which is alhamdulillah. i have never expected that it turns NOT SO WELL still i PASSED the stage! thankGod.
however, before i REALLY can complete this, i need to do major corrections in my dissertation. well, it's NORMAL for us. i've heard that my coursemate almost re-define EVERYTHING which i think OMG it's too hard for him.
now, i am struggling to do major corrections and will travel again to shah alam after raya haji to discuss about my dissertation before i need to do hardcover and pass them to the faculty.
i cant wait for the day! ya Allah, helps me to pass through all this which is nearly 5% to complete the master degree in uitm shah alam. insya Allah..
other story about the preparation,
still cant see when we will going to engage. suddenly my sweetheart said he need extra time to settle this matter with his family. this is due to he just complete his military training at pulada, rushing to his camp and going to work.
hurm.. fine. i dont want to push him. i can wait for several years, why in this matter i cant wait for the final decision. we are like 15% nearly to engage and i dont want to do silly things just because of that matter.
think positive.insya Allah, there's way to settle this. amin.
in fact, my sweetheart said his mother will going to buy the ring and i will pass my ring as for a sample. meanwhile, i will pass the hantarans (my stuff) to his family for deco. fuhh.. i cant wait to see them; telekung, my handbag and purse, baju kurung.
last but not least, last night i went to rugged busters party organised by his training batch. the theme is mafia. ahhaha.. anyone can imagime me with mafia costume? i am mafia's girl in PINK last night. *funny.
p/s: see you again, buddies. thank you for still visiting me.
yours truly,
be strong sis.. dugaan.. gud luck in ur draft work.. :)
i nak imagine la hehehehe :D
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